Hundreds of thousands of young men. Single, far from home, and horny. No it’s not the Army. We’re talking about refugees.
Among European countries, Germany has the most refugees, and the largest refugee “problem,” depending on your perspective. Along with our partners at Heat Street, we went to the Southern German town of Neuburg an der Donau, which translates to Newcastle on The Danube. In this pretty little town of 30,000, the local social service agency for refugees has begun requiring recipients of aid who are male, and under the age of eighteen, to go through classes on sexual behavior.
There is of course the very real risk that among more than a million newcomers to Germany, a few may turn out to be criminals, or even terrorists. Certainly when a group of young refugees assaulted women during New Year’s Eve celebrations this year in the German City of Dusseldorf, it scared a lot of people.
Putting aside the incontrovertible criminality of sexual assault, when it comes to integrating young refugees in a rich country such as Germany, sexual behavior is an important part of the dynamic.
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