The freedom to choose what you do with your own body. It’s pretty central for folks who believe in Liberty. And the whole point is that different people have different ideas of what that can mean. Take for instance Jordan Parke. He says he could never live without his penis, but he’s had $150,000 worth of plastic surgery in order to look like Kim Kardashian. Sybil Stallone has had so much work done she calls herself “Brunette Barbie,” and her friend/cosmetic procedures nurse Brandon in L.A. says she’s needs a break from treatments. Jordan, who lives in Manchester, England, is also a remarkably sweet and seemingly happy chap. Sybil, is calm, collected, and matter of fact about life. They are both members of the “Plastic Positive” movement. Check it out in the short documentary from Heat Street, and our partners at Heat Street.
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